Dr Satishchandra Gaikwad

Dr Satishchandra Gaikwad is a consulting Physician at Mumbai. Former Director Medical Services Air India. Keen interest in science and the Nature. Published two books of his poems collection in Marathi language through which introduced in Marathi language for the first time the concept that poetry arises from the core of science. Wrote poems on Darwin’s theory, Einstein’s theory and so many others. Received N.C Kelkar Award for my autobiography entitled SmritPakhare.
Chrysanthemom is my first English poetry book it encompasses entire span of life from birth to death and whole animal kingdom from virus to man. The poems are written during period of Covid-Storm storm and are reflection of Doctor who navigated his professional boat in Covid-Storm while his patients and dear ones were sinking and Giant waves were rising to capsize the boat.
The poetry analyzes and makes you ponder on what went wrong.
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