R Crit Authors Awards is aimed at eulogizing excellence, reputation and exemplary work of Authors.

R Crit Author Awards is expected to be covered by renowned print and electronic media houses. The event will find place on diverse platforms including several news sites and social network websites.


Who Can Apply ?

Anyone who has written and published his book, poem or research can apply.


Media Coverage ?

Yes,  R Crit Authors Award is expected to be covered by renowned print and electronic media. The event will find place on diverse platforms including several news sites and social network websites.


What will you receive?

1. An Award delivered to your registered address
2. Social Media Promotions on our social channels 
3. Mention on digital news channels like Hindustan Times, Daily Hunt, Yahoo, Google News, and many more 
4. A Post on our website (Google News Approved) about the author and book details and other achievements.

Ongoing Event

RCrit Author Award 2023


After first two successful seasons we are all geared up for its third season.

Follow the link to register.

Successful Event in the past



RCritReviews received over 150 applications and then shortlisted only 25 writers. The approach of the award was to give writers from different languages a common platform wherein they can showcase their work and get acknowledged. Among the awardees, there were 14 books in English, 6 in Hindi, 2 in Bengali & one each of Marathi, Konkani, and Gujrati.




CritReviews received over 100 applications and then shortlisted only 8 writers. The approach of the award was to give writers from different languages a common platform wherein they can showcase their work and get acknowledged. Among the awardees, there were 14 books in English, 6 in Hindi, 2 in Bengali & one each of Marathi, Konkani, and Gujrati.

RCrit Authors Awards 2022
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