Author Awards 2022

RCritReviews organized RCrit Author Awards 2022 to recognize various writers, researchers for their outstanding performance and dedication in the literary field. RCrit Authors Awards 2022 is aimed at eulogizing excellence, reputation, and exemplary work of Authors.

The initiative was well supported by TranzElite Digital Pvt Ltd. In the very first edition of RCrit Author Awards, RCritReviews received over 100 applications and then shortlisted only 8 writers. The approach of the award was to give writers from different languages a common platform wherein they can showcase their work and get acknowledged. Among the awardees, there were 7 books in English, 1 in Malayalam.


List of RCrit Author Award 2022 Winners  

  • Dr. Sumit Goel (I Wanna Grow)
  • Dr. Ravindra Dey (Spirituality through Happiness)
  • Dr. K. Sreekumar (Malayala Balasahitya Charithram) 
  • Dr Satishchandra Gaikwad (Chrysanthemom)
  • Dr Parneet Jaggi (The Call of the Citadel)
  • Rohit Shetty (Breaking Silence 5) 
  • Dr Irene Surya (In solitude with God)
  • Dr. Ashok Sharma (The Last Ride)

Know more about RCrit Authors Awards 2022 Winners 

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