The Heart Listens to no one by Purba Chakraborty

Purba has written all poems as free verses and has maintained the language plain sailing.
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The book is a collection of 35 poems describing different emotions yet one thing in common, ie love.
Written in extremely simple language with correct usage of words and language. I loved each and every prose. Some writings have a soul and this book has a soul of its own. It is sheer magic, needless to add it encapsulates the magic of love very well.
The poetess, Purba Chakraborty, takes you through a myriad of feelings. Sometimes pure joy; others a touch of sadness. Her poems depicts all the stages of love from unconditional love, separation, to fond reminisces.
Purba categorized the love poems into five categories: Unconditional Love, Longing, Romance, Fond Reminisces, and Separation. Each category has 7 poems.
I would like to quote few lines from the book which touched my heart and soul.
Never did I know before, A loss can be so enticing! Hues of love that I never saw before, Sparkled brightly in my heart I couldn’t help but surrender to my artist.
The language is simple with good selection of words. yet evocative that touches every stroke in your soul and vein. Every emotion travels down and reaches to your heart directly, from the very moment, you start reading the poem.