In Conversation with Sanhita Baruah

Question 1: Please let me know something that you believe in OR few punchlines / Quotes from your books?
Answer :
“I loved you the way some people are to be loved – from a distance.”
“You looked like almost everybody I have ever loved.”’
Question 2 :Are you happy about being an Author?
Answer : Yes. It feels satisfying and meaningful.
Question 3: What’s your inspiration as an author?
Answer: I started writing at an early age to express myself. All the personal messages I receive from my readers who would say that my writing helped them in some way or the other inspire me to keep writing.
Question 4: What are the best things or positive things about your stories ?
Answer : Everything I write is derived from human emotions and I feel them deeply as I write them.
Question 5 : Which book or books have you published and which are in pipeline?
Answer : I have published three poetry collections namely The Art of Grieving, The Art of Letting Go and The Art of Healing. I have also released an ebook titled Between Us. I aim to finish writing my novel someday.
Question 6 : How to deal with a “Writer’s Block”?
Answer : I write when I have the absolute need to and nothing else can be done. However, the block can be dealt by dedicating a specific time to writing along with a dedicated space for writing. If the words don’t come, I feel it is better to stop trying and read instead or go out and have an adventure.
Question 7 :Any “Top tips” for writers starting out?
Answer :
- There’s always an audience for your writing.
- There’s always room for improvement.
- It’s better to write your truth and write what you want to rather than trying to be like someone else.
Question 8: What are the problems that you have faced in your Author journey?
Answer : The immediate regret and shower of self-doubt that the writing is not good enough or I revealed something too personal until one fine day someone drops a message and I realize why I started writing at the first place – to make myself heard and to make others feel understood.
Question 9: How did you approach the writing process? Do you have a set routine or does it vary?
Answer: Unfortunately, I do not have a set routine and I wish to build that. My writing, since it is mostly poetry, is a compilation of all the moments where the words fill my heart until I write them down.
Question 10: For you , what makes a great story ?
Answer: The plot as well as the words used to express it is what makes a great story for me. I cannot be a fan of a great plot described poorly.
Question 11: What Genre of Books do you create and Why you chose it ?
Answer : Poetry. It compliments my schedule which is usually filled with a lot of other things including my day-time job and my other hobbies and interests.
Question 12 : Where can people contact you ?
Answer :
Instagram: @almost.everybody
Twitter: @lmost_everybody
Question 13: Any final parting advice?
Answer: Writing is your soul’s calling. Make sure you pick up the call when you receive it.