Shashank Kulkarni

Shashank Dattatray Kulkarni is Presently working as a Senior Research Fellow (SRF) of University Grants Commission, New Delhi and securing his Doctorate in Public Policy and Public Administration at Central University of Jammu, Jammu and Kashmir.basically from Sakharale, a small village in Sangli District of Maharashtra. He is born and brought up in farmer’s family. Swaminathan Commission, National Policy on Farmers, Farmer and Agricultural Policies in India Farmers’ Suicide, Agrarian Crisis are his some important research areas.
He secured B. Tech degree in Agricultural Engineering from Mahatma Phule Agricultural University, Rahuri Maharashtra. During his graduation days, he got the opportunity to get training from North Region Farm Machinery Training and Testing Institute, Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare, Government of India at Hisar Haryana. After getting first hand experience in all over management of farm as a trainee Farm Manager, he completed his post graduation in Public Administration He was also secured diploma in Journalism and Mass Communication, Advanced Diploma in Hindi, Diploma in United Nation Studies and International Understanding and Post Graduate Diploma in Human Rights. He also completed Post Graduate Certificate in Agricultural Policy. During the period of his Diploma in Journalism he has done the research on Farmers’ Organisation: A View of Media. He has so far written a total of ten books in Marathi, Hindi and English on various subjects, out of which Seven are published and remaining are in the process of Publication . He has also published research papers in various reputed world journals and has participated in several international conferences. Recently, the International Institute of Organized Research has honored him with the International Young Researcher Award for his valuable contribution in farmers’ policies of India.