In Conversation with Savio Gomes

About the author and their work:
- Congratulations on your 7th book! What drew you to writing about finance and economics specifically?
I am a finance and economics professional. I qualified as a chartered accountant in 1988, and later did my CPA (Colorado) and CIA (Illinois). I do also write fiction books under the pen name Ruster Keaton. I have traveled and worked on projects in any countries, so my perspectives are a bit different.
- What has been your biggest learning or takeaway from writing so many books on this topic?
Its wonderful to share ideas with people.
- How has your approach to writing about finance evolved over the years?
The world itself is very interesting with something happening every day, all the time. Watching and interpreting how it relates to people and impacts their lives is simply great !!
- What is the target audience for your books, and how do you tailor your writing style accordingly?
Target audience is anybody from a serious student to a mature professional, somebody who like questioning and being made to think.
- Do you have any personal financial philosophies or principles that you incorporate into your writing?
All of my writing is my personal financial and economic principles.
About the author’s latest book:
- What inspired you to write this particular book Guide to Healthy Investing?
Investing is essential for everybody employed in any way. Healthy investing is extremely important to live a long healthy and prosperous life.
- What are some of the key themes or concepts explored in the book?
Read the book!!!! Slowly and carefully. Each page has nuggets of knowledge.
- What are some of the biggest challenges facing the financial system today, and how does your book address them?
The financial system today is influenced by a herd mentality of people not accustomed to having patience to think through what choices they are really making. People are hasty and have little patience. Farmers are better !!!
- What makes your book unique and different from other books on finance?
The holistic approach and multi-dimensional learnings that are shared.
- What are your hopes for the impact of this book on readers?
I would like to make readers reexamine their choices and think for themselves. Too often people are fed with half-baked information from poorly informed brokers/ advisors.
- What do you think how can an individual achieve a position of financial stability through various investments? Any tips?
All in the book!!! Any careful ,person following a rational system can retire in 20 years after beginning investing. Nobody needs to work beyond the age of 45.
- Any discussions and / or discourses that you have not mentioned in the book which you would like to share.
Read all my other books!!!
About the future of finance:
- What are your predictions for the future of finance, and how do you think technology will play a role?
Technology is overrated, more now, than ever before. Nothing compares with the power of the human mind. Rely on technology at your peril, get hacked, get your accounts cleaned out, have your funds misplaced. Tech cannot take decisions and is merely a facilitator, a poor one at that. I have met many investors worth a fortune who only used a desk top rotary dial coiled cord phone.
- What financial advice would you give to readers in today’s complex world?
Invest every month, invest in solid prospects, don’t look for that get rich quick solution, 20 years is sufficient to end up very wealthy.
- What are some of the biggest opportunities and challenges facing people in terms of managing their finances?
People are too easily swayed by ‘tips’ and do not allocate time to study an opportunity.
- What are some emerging trends in finance that you find particularly interesting?
Investment professionals have become very fond of predicting collapses and recessions. The more they have, the more they fear losing it all!!!
Additional questions:
- What are some of the resources you rely on to stay informed about the latest developments in finance?
ET Prime, and Business Standard I have found very useful. A simple Google search too also helps a lot.
- What advice would you give to aspiring authors who are interested in writing about finance?
Begin by reading all my books!!!
- Have you ever had any personal experiences with financial difficulties that have influenced your writing?
None, as I am risk averse. Still, one does get taken by surprise when a president or a prime minister suddenly invades another country over night.
- What are some of your hobbies and interests outside of writing?
Chess, Reading, Cricket, Animal Welfare. I am also a professional management consultant (profitability improvement).